URGENT!! Land Purchase Donations By Oct 26
Hello Friends and Family of Touches Of Hope!
In our recent trip to Uganda to visit His Kids Orphanage School, we were made aware by both Apostle Wilson Kulaba and Madame Mary, the school Administrator, that there is a parcel of land directly next to the His Kids Orphanage School property that is being sold. The owner of the land approached His Kids first with an offer to sell the property to His Kids if they wanted it. This property would allow His Kids to add the much needed secondary school so the children who graduate from P7 have a quality, affordable school to attend and further their education so they can go on to University. The land is approximately 2.5 acres and sits directly behind the current dining facility/Classroom block. We have been given until the end of Oct to purchase the land because the owner needs those funds to purchase other land he desires. The current land owner has already been approached by others in the community as a site for building a mosque; so if His Kids does not purchase the land, he will sell it to them. The purchase price of the land is approximately $6500. Land in this area is selling fast and it is a rare opportunity to purchase this parcel that adjoins the current His Kids property. The land to purchase runs from the near tree line to the far tree line. In the second picture you can see the corner of the Dining building for His Kids and can see how close other structures might be if someone else purchases the land:
So far, we have been able to raise about $4000 of the needed funds. That means we need about $2500 to complete funding for this land purchase. We are collecting donations for the next 10 days, until Oct 26, so that we have time to wire the money to Apostle Wilson Kulaba.
To make any size donation, go to http://www.touchesofhope.org and click on the “Donate” menu item at the top of the page. When that page loads, you will see the donation area where you can enter in the amount of the donation and put “Land” for the “Donation Description”. Click the “Donate” button and you will be taken to Paypal to complete the secure transaction. (You do NOT need to be a Paypal subscriber to complete this transaction) 🙂
Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration in this timely matter to be a blessing to the children at His Kids Orphanage School so they can continue their education.
Ward and Nancy